Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bathing Suit Season

Bathing suit season is almost here time to get in shape and enjoy the sun.  First we must shed those extra pounds. What if you could combine COLOR Therapy and Hypnosis to achieve your ideal weight, well you can. Simply put the BLUE DietLight in Your Refrigerator and listen to the DietLight Hypnotic CD once a day, achieve your ideal weight.

For more information on how the color BLUE can assist you with achieving your ideal weight please visit

If you have any questions please e-mail me at or call me at 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!

Be sure and visit our new web site at   This is an exciting opportunity as you can learn techniques in COLOR Therapy at your convenience, in the comfort of your home, and replay them anytime you want what a win win.

Wishing you all a Colorful Week

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Color and the Cycles of Life

Did you know that we each have a specific COLOR that describes our personality.  You could be a pioneering RED, a curious YELLOW, an affluent GREEN, a specialist in the medical field through your INDIGO, are a creative ORANGE just to name a few personalities.  Besides our base or core personality color we have our overlays colors.  Our core color and overlay colors make us the beautiful and unique individuals that we are.  It can be empowering discovering your personality colors, they can answer many questions, allowing us to embrace our strengths and overcome our challenges.

For more information please visit

If you have any questions please e-mail me at or call me at 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!

I have recently formed a partnership with Lynn Smith a wonderful health coach who works with releasing blocks in the emotional body.  Lynn and I are would like to invite you all to visit our new web site at   we are teaching a series of classes via tele-conference calls.  If you have an interest in learning more about COLOR and how through COLOR Therapy you can embrace your strengths; then sign up on our site and we will notify you of all upcoming classes.  This is an exciting opportunity as you can learn techniques at your convenience, in the comfort of your home, and replay them anytime you want what a win win.

Wishing you all a Colorful Week

Monday, March 17, 2014


 Obesity is a nationwide problem, with adults as well as children; this is due to the eating habits of Americans however in spite of the economy people will always spend money on diet aids.  The truth is that you must change your lifestyle to lose and maintain a healthy weight.  By incorporating the DietLight into your life this will help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Now Some Blue Color Fact

Of all the colors in the spectrum, Blue is an Appetitive Suppressant.  Weight lose plans suggest putting your food on a blue plate to assist in depressing your appetitive.  Remember the old “blue plate specials”, smaller portions, less expensive, and the customer left feeling satisfied, thanks to the color blue.  Eating in blue does make you eat less and now image you can now put a Blue DietLight in your Refrigerator and Watch your Munchies Disappear.   Blue is a cold electric color and when used in color therapy it has the quality of shrinking growths.  Use Blue to shrink those unwanted pounds away, and keep them off; leave that Blue DietLight in your refrigerator, keep those pounds off permanently!

Our Dietlight was featured in Prevention Magazine, featured on NBC 5 with Elsa Ramon and Jan Pauley.

Do you Overeat?

Obesity is a nationwide problem, with adults as well as children; this is due to the eating habits of Americans.  The truth is that you must change your lifestyle to lose and maintain a healthy weight.  By incorporating the Dietlight program into your life this will help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

The Dietlight program combines Color, Light and Hypnotherapy to give you a safe healthy way to lose weight and change your eating habits.  This program can help you to lose weight and keep those pounds off.
What is Color & Light Therapy?

Color & Light Therapy is simple.  It consists of applied colored or colors and their vibrations to heal.  The eyes convert light (color) into a kind of energy, which travels through our nervous system, and affects all body functions.  Studies have shown that when color is introduced to the human system it causes cellular and hormonal changes.  This can bring the cells into synchronization or balance.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness.  Many people have found Hypnosis to be a positive answer and solution to problems that may once have dominated their lives.  It is suggested that this therapy be used to enhance the power of suggestion.  Hypnosis has been found effective for a variety of problems that hinge on emotions, habits, and even the body’s involuntary responses.  It won’t cure underlying physical disorders such as caner, heart disease, or infection, but it can relieve virtually all types of pain, no matter what the source—including the pain of surgery.  It is also helpful against anxiety, tension, depression, phobias, can help break an addiction to smoking, alcohol, or drugs.  Hypnosis has been successful in alleviating an amazing range of symptoms including those of asthma, allergy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy and irritable bowel syndrome.  Hypnosis has many people lose weight.  

Of all the colors in the spectrum, blue is an appetitive suppressant.  Weight lose plans suggest putting your food on a blue plate to assist in depressing your appetitive.  Remember the old “blue plate specials” smaller portions, less expensive, and the customer left feeling satisfied, thanks to the color blue.  Eating in blue does make you eat less and now you can put a Blue Dietlight in your refrigerator and watch your munchies disappear.  Blue is a cold electric color and when used in color therapy it has the qualify of shrinking growths.  Use Blue to shrink those unwanted pounds away., and keep them off; leave that Blue Dietlight inn your refrigerator, keep those pounds off permanently!

A Blue appliance bulb is recommend in many different weight loss programs.  Research has shown that blue light naturally suppresses the appetitive.  Additionally, the Harvard Business School found that blue light promoted positive decision making, and strengthened resolve.
Combing the Blue Dietlight uses the principles of Color Therapy to effect the body and mind.  The Hypnosis CD “Hypnotic Meditations to Create Weight Loss Success” is the first hypnotic weight loss CD to use Blue Light as the trigger for your weight programs success!  This combination will assist you in making more appropriate food choices and is designed to strengthen your willpower.

Monday, March 10, 2014

COLOR and the Cycles of Life!

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

As an educator in the field of Chromatology (Color Therapy) my passion is to empower people, by assisting them to overcome their blocks through the utilization of COLOR therapy.

Let me share with you a little about the color RED and how it relates to the first seven years of our lives. 

During the formative years form birth to age seven, the cycle of red or our root center is developed.  Issues of security, ethics, balance, and family will be especially important.  How these issues are resolved and heal will be of extreme importance later on in life.

Many people with issues in their lower back did not develop their root center which has given them a fear of survival, they never have enough, they are always afraid of how they will survive.

Did you ever think of the upside, downside and theme of the red years in your own life.  This is a simple example of how COLOR and the cycle of our lives evolve.  We still have your orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple years life is a wonderful cycle.

Hope you enjoyed the information.  I will be teaching a hands on course of Healing the Cycles of Life on  Sat April 26th in Fort Worth (the Keller area), Texas, if you are interested please e-mail and we will send you a flyer.

For those of you that would like to hear our preview call for our teleconference class that is now being offered Activating the Gentle Energies of Color for a Richer please go to and you can hear our call.  

Wishing you all a Colorful week!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Activating the Gentle Energies of
COLOR for a Richer Life!

Greetings to all you Colorful Folks

Does your life sometimes feel like it's one step forward two steps back?  You feel a sense of accomplishment in one area but things aren't quite right in others.

You look around at friends, co-workers, and neighbors wondering how they can have it all.  Or worse, you secretly hate them for living the life you want.

You've tried improving things.  A book here.  An on line course there.  Maybe a seminar.  But it always ends the same.  You initiate some change and fall right back to where you were.  Or some area improves only to illuminate the lack in others.

Humans are emotional creatures - it's what sets us apart from the animals - and as much as we wouldn't want to admit it, we make decisions based on our emotions.

It's emotions that keep you from getting what we want.  that's why when you decide to buy the book, take the course, or attend the seminar you end up back where you started.

Logically, you decided to make change but without getting your emotions on board in a supportive way they trip you up every time.

What if you could
  • Have emotions be your ally
  • Stoop the self-sabotage
  • End the cycle of on-steps-forward-two-steps-back

Lynn and I have been there. We know what's it's like to have intense disappointment feel like a knife to the heart when everything looks like it's coming together.  But it's not.  The feeling that there is just some small little shift that needs to take place for all the pieces to fall into place.

I am sure many of you know firsthand what it's like to be curled up in a ball on the floor; sobbing, confused as to why things didn't come together when it looked like they were.

You know the feeling.  Everything has lined up.  All the pieces are coming together.  Then they don't.  You were so close you could feel it.  You sense something - some little thing - is just not right.

But what is it.  What's keeping you from living a life you love?

Emotions, that's what!

Good news, Lynn and I are here to help through introducing you to the power of COLOR!  We have joined forces to bring you the best of our expertise and fine-tuned it down to a five week program:

Love Your Life NOW!

Activating the Gentle Energies of Color for a Richer Life.  This live program covers all aspects of living a richer life.  In our program we cover all aspects of living a richer life.  We will walk you through a new module every week.

  • Color me Thin
  • Color me Happy
  • Color Me Abundant
  • Color Me Loved

Learn to love yourself, feel fulfilled, increase your abundance, enjoy uplifting relationships.

Each of these modules is an in-depth lesson on using the gentle energies of COLOR to enhance specific areas of your life and heal emotional blocks to living your richest lift.

Want a peek into the modules?

Module 1:  COME ME THIN
Do you find you reach for food when you're stressed out or unhappy?  Learn what colors help to instill self-love and self-acceptance thereby changing your relationship with food.  Find out what Colors will suppress your appetite and tighten your skin.

Module 2:  Color Me Happy
Do you feel you are watching others live their lives while yours is slowly slipping away?  Learn what colors help you feel fulfilled and leave you excited to get out of bed in the morning.  Discover what colors will activate your personal power.

Module 3:  Color Me abundant
Are you stuck at your current earning potential?  Or maybe you feel trapped in a dead-end job.  You may be a Red entrepreneur stuck in a Yellow 9 to 5 job.  Learn what colors can move you forward and accelerate your earning potential.

Module 4:  Color Me Loved
Do you feel second in your relationships?  Or feel you give more than you are receiving from the people in your life?  do you every feel abandoned?  discover the colors that make you feel whole, nurtured and accepted.  Learn the colors that say I am good enough" and watch your world change!

You may be thinking this is a whole lot of woo-hoo, some New Age hype.  Rest assured, it's not!  Chromotology is based on the fact that humans respond to the specific vibrations of light and color.  When light enters through the eyes (or the skin) it travels through the neurological pathways to the pineal glands.  Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on us.

Using colors and light to impact mood and wellness has been in practice a very long time and we see it happening every day, whether we realize it or not.  Have you every noticed the colors of a day spa?  A restaurant?  A dentist office?  very different color schemes evoke different moods.  This is not chance, this is the vibration of color at work.

Since you see colors all around you all day, why not use them strategically to improve your life?

Join Lynn and I in activating the gentle energies of COLOR in YOUR Life!

Before you begin this journey you will receive your own personal color assessment.  This assessment is used by many health care professionals, counselors, medical doctors, teachers, parents and individuals as an evaluation tool.  This process will set you up to receive the most from the program.

Our program starts on March 6th and we'd love to reserve a spot for you!

Here's what you get in this program:
  • 4 weekly live phone calls
  • Recordings of all calls
  • Your own personal, individual color assessment

Because Lynn and I want to reach as many individuals as possible, we have priced this at a no-brainer amount to make it easy for everyone to enroll.

The early-bird cost of this program is on $97!  But that price is only for the first 20 people who enroll.

And to make it easier to reserve your spot now, they are offering a 2 part payment plan.  Pay only $49 now and another $49 in four weeks.

Say Yes to loving your life NOW by enrolling below!

the price is limited to the first 20 people who enroll so do it now!!

We have a Money Back Guarantee:  If, after the first call, you don't feel this will benefit we will gladly refund your money.  All you need to do is email us before the start of the second call.  No questions asked.  That's how much we believe in the content of this program.

To here our first call (there is no fee) go to and listen to our call, it is short however the call is full of information on COLOR. 

I do offer CEU's for some of my courses if this is of interest please contact me.

If you have any questions please contact me either by e-mail or call me direct at 817-788-9451817-788-9451